


IT Industry in India

IT Industry in India

The information technology (I.T. industry in India comprises information technology services and business process outsourcing. The share of the IT-BPM sector in the GDP of India is 7.4% in FY 2022.
IT Industry growth

IT Industry growth

The IT spending in India is estimated to record a double-digit growth of 11.1% in 2024, totalling US$ 138.6 billion up from US$ 124.7 billion last year. Provide employment opportunities 14 million people and add US$ 380 billion to India's GDP.
IT Industry and economic growth

IT Industry and economic growth

The information technology (IT) industry is a major contributor to the global economy and India's economic growth.The IT industry has been a major contributor to economic growth in India, and is expected to continue to grow in the coming years.

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